Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di prune . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.

Definizione monolingua



prune (third-person singular simple present prunes, present participle pruning, simple past and past participle pruned)

  1. (transitive) To remove excess material from a tree or shrub; to trim, especially to make more healthy or productive.
    A good grape grower will prune his vines once a year.
  2. (transitive, figuratively) To cut down or shorten (by the removal of unnecessary material); as, to prune a budget.
    Section 3, in its early paragraphs, is a pruning and reshaping of THN 1.1.4–6.

prune (plural prunes)

  1. (obsolete) A plum.
  2. The dried, wrinkled fruit of certain species of plum.
  3. (slang) An old woman, especially a wrinkly one.

Definizione dizionario prune

prugna secca
  dried plum
  (figuratively) cut down or shorten
  trim a tree or shrub
  trim a tree or shrub
  (figuratively) cut down or shorten
  trim a tree or shrub
color prugna

Altri significati:
  (slang) An old woman, '''especially''' a wrinkly one.
  space (lines)
  (transitive) To remove excess material from a tree or shrub; to trim, especially to make more healthy or productive.
  mow (grass)
  (obsolete) A plum.
  The dried, wrinkled fruit of certain species of plum.
  (transitive, figuratively) To cut down or shorten (by the removal of unnecessary material); as, '''to prune a budget''' .
  (Japanese) plum

Traduzione prune

prugna secca ,ridurre ,potare ,prugna ,susina

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