Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di protector . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.

Definizione monolingua



protector (plural protectors)

  1. Someone who protects or guards, by assignment or on his own initiative.
  2. A device or mechanism which is designed to protect.
  3. One who prevents interference.
  4. A state or other subject under international law, exercising a protectorate over another subject in international law.
    I stand before you in the spirit of pure public service — not as a protector of the status quo, but as an agent of change. –Jon Huntsman, Jr.

protector m. (feminine protectora, masculine plural protectores, feminine plural protectoras) or protector m. (feminine protectriz, masculine plural protectores, feminine plural protectrices)

  1. protective

Definizione dizionario protector

  someone who protects or guards
  someone who protects or guards

Altri significati:
  One who prevents interference.
  A state or other subject under international law, exercising a protectorate over another subject in international law.
  A device or mechanism which is designed to protect.
  Someone who protects or guards, by assignment or on his own initiative.
  a mechanism which is designed to protect

Traduzione protector

protettore ,protettrice ,avvocato ,difensore

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