Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di gentleman . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.

Definizione monolingua



gentleman (plural gentlemen)

  1. A man of breeding or higher class.
  2. A polite term referring to a man.
    Please direct this gentleman to the menswear department.
  3. (in plural only, gentlemen) A polite form of address to a group of men.
    Follow me, gentlemen.
  4. (in plural possessive, gentlemens) Toilets intended for use by men.
  5. (cricket) A cricketer of independent wealth, who does not (require to) get paid to play the sport
  6. (euphemistic, of a man) Amateur.
    • 2004, Mary N. Woods, ""The First Professional: Benjamin Henry Latrobe"", in, Keith L. Eggener, editor, American Architectural History: A Contemporary Reader, Routledge, electronic edition, ISBN 0203643682, page 119 [1]:
      Latrobe had extensive dealings with Jefferson, the most prominent gentleman-architect in the United States.

Definizione dizionario gentleman

  polite term for a man
  Forma educata per far riferimento a un uomo.
  A polite term referring to a man.
  Un uomo di alta classe.
  A man of refinement or of higher class.
  man of breeding
  polite form of address to men

Altri significati:
  A man of breeding or higher class.
  man of learning and virtue
  (in plural possessive, gentlemen's ) Toilets intended for use by men.
  (in plural only, gentlemen ) A polite form of address to a group of men.
  (euphemism, of a man) Amateur.
  (cricket) A cricketer of independent wealth, who does not (require to) get paid to play the sport
  toilets intended for use by men

Traduzione gentleman

signore ,gentiluomo ,signori ,aristocratico ,gentleman

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