Pagina per scoprire la definizioni e traduzione di ebony . Il dizionario è una parte integrante del sito con cui puoi imparare la grammatica inglese attraverso tutti i vari esercizi e lezioni di inglese che il sito ti propone.

Definizione monolingua



ebony (plural ebonies)

  1. A hard, heavy, deep black wood from various subtropical and tropical trees, especially of the genus Diospyros.
  2. A tree that yields such wood.
  3. A deep, dark black colour.
    ebony colour:    
  4. (slang) A black key on a piano or other keyboard instrument

ebony (comparative more ebony, superlative most ebony)

  1. Made of ebony wood.
  2. A deep, dark black colour.
    ebony colour:    
  3. Dark-skinned; black; especially in reference to African-Americans
    • 1864, George Adams Fisher, The Yankee conscript: or, Eighteen months in Dixie
      He called the ebony mistress of the establishment to him, and speaking to her kindly and winningly, as any dutiful husband should, told her to make the change, which she did.
    • 1931, Catherine MacFarlane Carswell, The life of Robert Burns
      No attempt was made in her new home to discontinue or even to conceal the presence of an ebony mistress and a thriving family of little mulattoes...
    • 2004, ""Alyssa"", Ebony Girls Need Attention (on newsgroup
      Want to watch my gorgeous ebony friend, Almond Joy, naked and online 24/7? She recently ended a long-term relationship and is now fully enjoying being a 25 year-old single gal in Beverly Hills.

Definizione dizionario ebony

  Any of various tropical Asian or African trees of the genus Diospyros.
  A type of wood, usually black and almost as heavy and hard as stone.
di ebanite

Altri significati:
  Made of or suggesting ebony.
  deep, dark black colour
  Dark-skinned; black.
  A tree that yields such wood.
  ebony colour:
  Made of ebony wood.
  A hard, heavy, deep black wood from various subtropical and tropical trees, especially of the genus Diospyros.
  A deep, dark black colour.
  made of ebony wood

Traduzione ebony

ebano ,di ebanite

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